How can we help you?

Store pickup

Take advantage of faster and easier store pickup

  • During checkout, choose Store Pickup and select your store
  • We’ll show you an estimated pickup date
  • Place your order and wait to receive a “Ready for pickup” email (this is a separate email from your order confirmation)
  • Bring your ID, credit card and order number to the store and pick up your items
  • We’ll hold your items at the store for 5 days; if you don’t make it in by then, we’ll cancel the order and refund your method of payment
  • If you can’t pick up your order within 5 days and you don’t want it to be canceled, check your order details for extended pickup options  
By buying items online and picking them up in a store, you avoid shipping and scheduled delivery charges — and you may be able to get your order faster.

Bring to the store:

  1. Your government-issued photo ID
  2. The credit card used for the purchase (if a credit card was used)
  3. Your order number

How will I know my order is ready?

Once our associates have prepared your order, we’ll communicate that your order is ready for pickup through:

  • Emails
  • App notifications
  • Text messages (if you opted to receive text messages in checkout)

We encourage you to check your order status by navigating to your Order History page. For the best pickup experience, please don’t come to the store until you’ve been notified that your order is ready for pickup, as our associates are assisting multiple customers.

A few more things to know:

  • There’s no charge for Store Pickup
  • Products may be larger than expected due to their packaging; please keep this in mind when considering what vehicle you use to pick up your order
  • Allow extra time to pick up large items like TVs and appliances
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