Simplified Trade In

How to trade in your device

Get an estimate of your product
Complete a few short steps to tell us a little bit more about your product. We'll give you an estimated value based on your answers.
Come into store for a full evaluations
Book a slot to see our trade-in experts in-store to complete your trade in.
Book Now
Get money back
Depending on how you trade in, you can get an upfront discount for a new product, cash back to your account with a new device or a gift card to use at a later stage.

Find out how much you can get back.

Select your product to get an estimate. Values are subject to a final physical assessment.

What you can get when you Trade-in at Verbosec

Out with the old, in with the new

Upfront discount In-store
In-store only
Cash back for device
In-store & Online
Verbosec Gift Card
In-store & Online

Check the status of your trade-in

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about Verbosec Trade In.
You can trade in your previously loved iPhone, Mac, iPad, Apple Watch, Android phone or Windows Laptop.

The trade in value you will receive is dependant on the device, model, manufacturer, and condition. Answer a few questions accurately, and once we receive the device within the specified time frame and verify its condition, you’ll most likely receive the full amount of the estimated refund.

Keep in mind that the condition of your trade-needs to match what you told us.

No problem. We can put the value of your current device on a gift card that you can use anytime. Get an estimate through the trade-in tool and choose the Gift Card option.

Get cash back into your bank account within 72 hours after trading in.

Back up your product, Turn off Find My and make sure it is fully charged before coming into store.

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